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The [not so] Secret Sauce to Machine Learning

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The key ingredients for useful ML models in the real world of messy data.

R Code: A Custom Hyperparameter Tuning Function

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Guest lecture introducing Data Science for college sophomores and juniors.
Department of AI, K. J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering

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Posit, Data Science Hangout

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Data Science @ UPS • Rogue Data Scientist • Continuous Improvement Leader • Animal Welfare Advocate

Our problems aren't unique, and we learn better together. Here, I share my honest insights and unfiltered learnings.

Hi, I'm Namrata!I am a value-driven data scientist. I build smart tools for advanced analytics, uncover and share data stories, and build high-performing predictive models from large datasets to find value-generating opportunities. I'm a strong proponent of continuous improvement and don't shy away from challenging the status quo.I specialize in data-driven decision support for Finance, Marketing, and Customer Experience. R, Python and SQL are my primary tools of choice. I also shadow as a Data Engineer from time to time... Because let's face it, a solid data foundation is a prereq for good Data Science.I have over eight years of professional experience and currently work as the Manager of Data Science for FP&A Decision Support at UPS. I've spent the last few years pursuing my quest to add value to as many data journeys as possible through 1:1 and group mentoring for data and non-data humans across the globe to bridge the gap between data and business literacy and solve business problems in the REAL world. Rogue Data Science (my blog) is an attempt to combine my love for learning, data, and writing.Our problems aren't unique, and we learn better together. I do my best to share my honest insights and unfiltered learnings. More often than not, I pick up a thing or two along the way.I do what I do simply because I find mental peace in the data world. Some play video games, I play with data. I believe that data-driven decisions can and should exist even outside of the confines of our professional lives. Truth is, it's not the math behind data science that draws me. It's the art... the art of answering unasked questions and solving problems that don't always have a right answer.I'm an advocate for animal welfare. I love animals in all shapes and sizes. I dabble in the arts from time to time... creativity serves as an antidote to my 'brain pain' and existential void. I am married to my best friend. We have three large dogs and a cat.I'm a work in progress with no finish line in sight. I am learning continuously in the pursuit of excellence and exploring the world through the eyes of an animal-loving, data scientist gone rogue.Disclaimer: My online activity represents my personal opinion and not my employer's.

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